By Jessica pride
Published on
January 20, 2019
Last Updated

Pride Law Firm Brings Civil Lawsuit Against Doctor

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Unfortunately, a full cup of justice is not always served in criminal court proceedings. Last Friday, a San Diego criminal court judge determined that licensed psychiatrist Leon Fajerman, now 75 years old, will adhere to the following punishment for his sexual assault of seven women under his care:

  • He will be placed under house arrest for six months with good behavior
  • He may leave his home only for doctor appointments and four walks per week
  • He is no longer able to practice medicine of any kind
  • He will pay restitution that has yet to be determined as of this writing
  • He will register as a sex offender. While not yet determined by the state parole board, a sex offender generally may not live within 1000 feet or loiter within 500 feet of a school, childcare facility or his victims.

Victim's Impact Statements Read

Attorney Jessica Pride read aloud the impact statements for two of the Fajerman's victims. Her presence prevented the women from having to face their perpetrator. Though the statements garnered media attention that evening, the client identities remain confidential in accordance with The Pride Law Firm's Heal In Private mantra.

Despite impassioned statements from the survivors calling for jail time and harsher punishment, the judge handed Fajerman a lenient sentence due to his poor health and age. Pride called the judge's decision a "miscarriage of justice."

"All seven women were seeking professional help from a psychiatrist to uncover and heal from emotional trauma, only to become victimized. His legacy is a wake of deceit and cowardice, and has polluted a respectable and healing medical practice." - Jessica Pride

What Happens Next for the Survivors

Criminal cases are different from civil cases, in that they are brought by the state and may often be known as "The People vs. _______." A case can be brought in civil court after it has been served in criminal court. Pride and The Pride Law Firm are now preparing to sue Fajerman in civil court and successfully win their clients compensation for treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, night terrors, insomnia, and any emotional impact they each have suffered.

Source: 10News

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