By Jessica pride
Published on
March 11, 2022
Last Updated

Crime Stories With Nancy Grace, Featuring: Jessica Pride

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High-profile cases like Virginia Giuffre’s against Prince Andrew prove that even the most powerful and connected figures can still be held accountable.

Jessica Pride joined legal commentator and television journalist Nancy Grace on her Crime Stories podcast to discuss the Virginia Giuffre settlement against Prince Andrew, a member of the British royal family.

The case: Virginia Giuffre filed a civil lawsuit in the state of New York against Britain's Prince Andrew, alleging that she was forced to have several sexual encounters with him while under the age of 18. Giuffre stated that these acts took place in the early 2000s under the oversight of Jeffrey Epstein, who was convicted in 2008 of ​​child sex trafficking.

Tune in to the podcast episode here. Read on for the details of what was discussed, and what cases like this mean for attorney Jessica Pride’s pursuit of justice for survivors of sexual assault. Reach out to The Pride Law Firm online or at 619-516-8166 for proven legal advocacy for survivors.

What Was Discussed in This Podcast?

While many expected Virginia Giuffre’s case to reveal further details and names of who was involved with Jeffrey Epstein’s crimes, the case has been settled out of court. The guests of the Crime Stories podcast speculate as to why this might have happened, since Prince Andrew’s legal team had been adamant that he would fight to clear his name of these charges.

Instead, the case was quickly settled for a reportedly enormous amount of money. This agreement occurred just before Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee celebrations were to commence, marking the 70th anniversary of her accession to the throne. After embarrassing himself and his family in a 2019 BBC Newsnight interview, the consensus is that it was better for the Prince to settle than to further incriminate himself by telling disprovable lies.

Jessica Pride said about Prince Andrew, “You saw him in the interview, he was terrible. I would love to have him across the table asking him questions in a deposition.”

How Much Did Prince Andrew Pay Virginia Giuffre?

Though the exact terms of the payout have not been publicly released, reports say the amount is equivalent to $16 Million U.S. dollars (£12 million U.K. pounds), with $2 million of that designated for a charity of Giuffre’s choice. While this is a disappointment to many who wanted more light shed on guilty parties associated with Jeffrey Epstein, it is nevertheless a vindication and victory for Virginia Giuffre. If she and her lawyers are satisfied with the settlement agreement, then some form of justice has been accomplished.

Settlements in sexual assault cases can reach multimillion-dollar amounts, funds that are meant to account for a survivor’s medical costs, lost wages and employment opportunities, as well as their pain and suffering related to the abuse.

If you have a case of sexual harassment, abuse, or assault, contact The Pride Law Firm at 619-516-8166 for fierce, compassionate representation.

How Old Was Prince Andrew When He Was With Virginia Giuffre?

A 17-year-old Virginia Giuffre and 41-year-old Prince Andrew were photographed together in April of 2015. Alongside them is pictured Ghislaine Maxwell, girlfriend to Jeffrey Epstein, who was also convicted of child sex trafficking in 2021.

Giuffre says the sexual contact with Prince Andrew first occurred when she was 16 years old. In New York state (Penal Section 130.25), anyone over the age of 21 who engages in sex with a minor younger than 17 is committing the illegal act of statutory rape.

Virginia Giuffre’s settlement gives hope to millions of girls and women across the world.

How Does Prince Andrew's Story Relate to the Efforts of Jessica Pride?

Jessica Pride has dedicated her legal career to representing survivors of sexual assault, sexual harassment, and other personal injuries. She knows that such a large and high-profile settlement for Virginia Giuffre’s case gives hope to millions of girls and women across the world — even the most powerful and connected people can still be held accountable through the law.

Listen to the Crime Stories podcast episode for further details on this case.

If you are ready to be heard, reach out to The Pride Law Firm to tell your story. Our staff along with Jessica provide a safe place for you to explore your legal options. Receive your free, no-obligation consultation by scheduling online or by calling 619-516-8166 — one call can begin your journey towards justice.

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